Our herb mix promotes natural behaviours in small animals & has the benefit of smelling amazing! Just scatter around your little one's home!
- Herb mix contains:
Dill stems, dandelion leaf, cherry tree leaf, strawberry leaf, birch leaf, ribwort plantain.
This box is suitable for dwarf hamsters, syrian hamsters, mice, gerbils, degus, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits & chinchillas.
Photos taken by Monika Skogbäck
Instagram: @skogback.monika
The Herb Mix
Dill stems:
- Relief of stomach cramps
- Stimulation of good digestion
Dandelion leaf:
- A strengthening of bones, skin and hair
- Weight support
Cherry tree leaf:
- Bladder & kidney support
Strawberry leaf:
- High in vitamin C
- Blood purifying effect
Birch leaf:
- Prevention against bladder and/or kidney infections - disinfecting against bacteria in the urinary tract
- Anti-inflammatory
Ribwort plantain:
- An antibacterial effect in case of colds
- Promote good & fast digestion
- Soothing in case of inflammation of the urinary tract
This information is based on books and articles online. It should not be seen as advice. Herbs are not medicines! In case of disease always consult your veterinarian.